dossier: teaching

See also: drawing

Courses initially developed and taught at the Technical University of British University (TechBC), Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, a step ahead of the first cohort of students. In 2002, TechBC was absorbed into Simon Fraser University, officially becoming the new School of Interactive Arts and Technology in 2004.

Electronic Culture. 2002-04.
Web-based course for upper level students in interactive art. Web platform with student workspaces, weblogs, and wikis. Presentations and readings, with moderated online discussion, mailing list, and IRC.

Networked Narrative Environments. 2001.
Web-based course module for upper level students in interactive art. Web presentations and readings, with moderated online discussion, and bi-weekly face-to-face classroom sessions.

Interpretive Space. 2001.
Web-based course module for upper level students in interactive art. Web site, digital course reader with embedded learning objects, and weekly face-to-face studio sessions.

Cultural Icons and Popular Arts. 2000.
Web-based course for second year students in interactive art. Web site: Presentations and readings, with moderated discussion.

History and Theory of Technology and Culture. 1999.
Web-based course for first year students in IT and interactive art. Web site: Presentations and readings, with moderated discussion.

[07.07.22 / 09.12.19]